Monday, 4 April 2016

Summer Season 2016


Rehearsals Weds 7.45pn start
CONCERT Weds 20th - Wroxall Church 8pm start


Rehearsals Weds 7.45pn start
CONCERT Weds 18th - Sandown Church 150th Concert


Every Weds Rylstone gardens 8pm start except Aug 1st Fresh water Church instead.

Sun 12th June Cowes Queens Birthday


CONCERT Sun 4th Ventnor Park RBL Service

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Remembrance Sunday 8th Nov 2015

Remembrance Sunday 8th Nov
Sandown Sea front - War memorial
Gallery and videos :-)

Weather very changeable and so windy. Very pleased with band and proud to be part of the event. Thank you all. Special mention to Stuart, great last post x  

Yes I'm on  box as I'm too wee x
Woodwind played well thank you x

 Middle of the band so solid and stable x

Lower brass boys settle the ship x

Chris took this on his phone so not a great reception but pleasing sound x

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Battle of Britian Concert

Battle of Britain Concert - Saturday 19th September 2015 - St Mary's Cowes.

Our autumn and winter season opened in style with a stunning battle of Britain concert. A full house enjoyed our programme which included RAF march past, Those magnificent men, selections and soloists and of course the film theme from 'The battle of Britain' the band were solid, confident, with dynamic range. We have come far in one year and are starting to see real strength in the band. Well done team SSMB x Wonderful collection and response from the audience and an invitation back for a concert in our own right x


Sunday, 16 August 2015

Ventnor WW1 Commemoration 1914 - 2015

SSMB are very proud and pleased to have performed here today. Past MD and friend of the band Danny McMeechan Major (Retd) organised and ran the event which paid tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives 100 years ago this month.

IW Lord Lt Major, local civic dignitaries, reps from RBL and youth groups were also in attendance. Island Standard bearers look resplendent on the day too. Touchingly the relatives of the fallen were also present and we paid special tribute to the Ventnor soldiers from the Hampshire Regiment who lost their lives 100 years ago this month ;

Pt Philip Gilbert Rfn 17090 IOW Riffles aged 19

Pt Herbert Harvey Rfn 2118 IOW Riffles aged 19

Clifford King Rfn 2045 IOW Riffles aged 18

The band played for 30 mins before the service, entertaining the large audience with popular and related items. The service saw us playing marches to bring the standards ion and off, the hymn and of course the national anthem. We then enjoyed a delicious picnic lunch. It was a lovely afternoon and we were delighted to play for such an event. Thank you band, well played.

A beautiful 'poppy' soldier greeted you as you entered Ventnor Park

There was a fascinating display of original items and artefacts.

Experts were on hand to explain all.

A replica, the gent told me, costing £70 with original helmets costing between £4000 - £5000


Flute ladies looking good.

Gorgeous solo and rep clarinets.

2nd Clarinets quite rightly pleased with their performance today.

Go SSMB sax team !

Our talented trumpets.

Trom team :-)

The weather was lovely for the day.
Band tuck into wonderful picnic tea at Flowerbrooke


Danny and the lovely tea lady at Flowerbrooke

Teague boys :-)

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Tonight Weds 15th July 2015

Tonight's gig at Rylstone has been cancelled x please pass on x See you all next week x

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Here comes the sun....

Well team SSMB the season is upon us. Really looking forward to playing out this, our first year together. Band is playing so well. Diary updated and Julie is running an absence book. Last bits and pieces below x

DATES - all  listed in diary (on the right)

TIME - Listed in dairy where known.

UNIFORM - Blue jackets. Please feel free to add a cardie or t shirt under your band shirt as it is chilly.

EXTRAS - Keep up the good work of loading/unloading the van. You're a good team and it shows.

Saturday, 3 January 2015